Camps and excursions relate to the school curriculum and focus on personal and interpersonal skills such as social skills, leadership, organisation, resilience, and independence.
Our current camping plan is outlined below:
Prior to an activity full details are circulated to parents and carers. School Council approves all camps, and adventure excursions (e.g., swimming, bike riding) and non-local excursions. Financial assistance and payments plans can be addressed confidentially with the Business Manager. Permissions forms are required for all camps, adventure activities, and excursions outside the Ballarat boundary.
Excursions are planned on a yearly basis to link in with areas of learning and opportunities that arise. Camps and excursions are changed on a user pays basis and a separate change is generated for each event. This charge is on the permission form. We always aim to keep costs to a minimum for families and seek to book as many free events as possible, so often there is only a transport charge. Please see the Parent/Carer Payment Policy for the maximum amount that each unit will charge families each year.