At Canadian Lead PS, we have a clear Response to Intervention process to support students. Teachers use evidence informed screening assessments on all students (Literacy and Numeracy) which are aligned with the current assessment schedule.
PLC’s categorise students in to tiers based off recent Victorian Curriculum data at the middle of the year and again at the end of the year.
Classroom teachers and the tutor complete diagnostic assessments on students sitting in Tier 2 and Tier 3 to determine Intervention groups/focus/planning where necessary. Students are prioritised for small groups or one to one intervention based on those assessment results.
Classroom Teachers are responsible for the following screening assessments:
Whole Class Literacy Screening Tool for RTI
Whole Class Numeracy Screening Tool RTI
Teachers complete DIBELS assessment on all students. Students who score below average and are marked 12 months or more below the expected Victorian Curriculum are then given the below screening assessment.
Mid F - Mid Yr 1: WARN (Initial Assessment)
End Yr 1- Mid Yr 2 WARL (Initial Assessment)
End Yr 2 - Yr 6- WARP (Initial Assessment)
Mid F- 6: Maths Online Interview (MOI) referring to On the Way Growth Points (EMU resource book)
Intervention Teachers are responsible for Progress Monitoring assessments:
Literacy Intervention Progress Monitoring Tool for RTI
Numeracy Intervention Progress Monitoring Tool for RTI
Mid F - Mid Yr 1: WARN
(Progress Monitoring Assessment)
End Yr 1- Mid Yr 2 WARL
End Yr 2 - Yr 6- WARP
Teacher made check in assessments.